2/5/23 Ministry Update

Hi Everyone, 

Four months have flown by, and my sabbatical is now 1/3 over! As I’ve been reflecting, there have been so many gifts from Jesus that I’ve received already, and I wanted to share about three of them. 

1) The gift of availability

Stepping back from formal ministry has allowed me to serve in different ways, often in ways that have felt organic. 

In December, when our pastor got sick, I offered to lead a Blue Christmas liturgy for our Sunday service. It was meaningful to lead a time of mourning for us, which included an artistic reflection time. We wrote our laments on pieces of cloth, ripped them, and then tied them to this wreath. I love leading reflective activities like this.

In another instance, it was the morning of a dear friend’s memorial service. Someone who was scheduled to read part of the eulogy wasn’t feeling well. I was honored to step into the role. 

Finally, I had the opportunity to travel to Iowa (for the first time), be on a panel, and share some of my story. It was one of those special moments where you’re giving and receiving at the same time. 

2) The gift of spontaneity

This gift is closely tied with the gift of availability, but I’m thinking of the ability to act immediately – having the time and energy to act immediately. 

I received a phone call that a close friend who has experienced ongoing mental health issues was in an emergency situation. I was available to drive over right away and be supportive. 

One day I was on a walk and ran into a friend from church. We started talking, and she shared about a difficult situation in her life. We prayed about the situation, and it was a sweet time. 

Lastly, I was dropping off an item at my friend Sarah’s house, and she invited me to stay for dinner. It was a joy to hangout and connect. It’s moments like these that make friendships feel more like family relationships, and I am so grateful for them. 

3) The gift of friendship

This gift also feels intertwined with the two previous gifts. I’ve had the space and time to nurture and deepen friendships. 

After my time in Iowa, I got to visit my friends Steph and Isa in Rockford, IL! They moved last summer, and it was wonderful to see their new home. We squeezed in a day trip to Chicago (my first time). 

I went on a prayer retreat with Laurie and Alex (Servant Partners colleagues) in Vail, CO. The scenery was gorgeous. We had some really meaningful prayer times. Personally, God brought up some deep grief that I wasn’t aware of. I’m so grateful for these friends, their love for God, and their love for me. 

Honestly, there are so many more stories I could share. God has been really good to me, through the joys and the sorrows. Join me in thanking God for His faithfulness and wonderful gifts. 

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