1/9/18 Ministry Updates

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year! I pray that you experience God in new ways this year.

Here is what I’ve been up to:


(A, who is pictured above, has come to my Bible study a few times. One of A’s friends was moving to New York, so A invited some of us to visit and pray for her friend. During our prayer time, I slowly realized that we were at a goodbye party for her friend! What I thought was going to be a standard prayer meeting turned out to be a prayer party! 🙂 Overall, it was encouraging to witness A’s leadership, initiative, and love for her friend.)


(My mentee Gabby decided to make lumpia for our internship “quarter close”/ Christmas party. The interns have been growing in their ethnic identities, and it was cool to see Gabby share this part of herself with the team. As we were making the lumpia, I got to hear Gabby’s stories about making lumpia with her family. I also learned that her family uses a flour-water mixture to “seal” the lumpia wrapper, whereas my family uses a beaten egg.)


(At our “quarter close,” we also wrote a poem together! Kelci, one of our interns, enjoys creative writing and led us in this exercise.)


Christmas 2017 (2)

(I can confidently say that my family is getting sillier and sillier, and I love it. 😉 It was a joy to visit them in the Bay Area during Christmas. Oh also, you should have received my Christmas card in the mail! If you didn’t, please email me!)


(Lastly, ​The Hate U Give is a fiction book I highly recommend. It’s about a teen who sees her best friend get shot by the police. Just read it, it’s powerful.)