5/26/15 Prayer Requests

In the past two weeks, I’ve jumped from 42% to 54% funded! Praise God with me, friends! 🙂 I have a few other testimonies as well that I want to share.

1. I recently met up with a college acquaintance to ask if she would consider giving. I hadn’t seen this friend in at least 6 years and didn’t know what to expect. During our conversation, she confessed that she had been in and out of the church since college. Additionally, she hadn’t talked with a Christian friend for at least a year. Much to my surprise, we talked for 4 hours, shared deeply with each other, and concluded the night by praying for each other. God used a seemingly random dinner to bring significant encouragement and comfort to my friend.

2. I’ve met with 55 different people! My goal is to meet with 100 people.

So… I have THREE weeks left before I start my new staff training (begins June 13th and ends the last week of July). Please pray for:

  • Dessert night with old co-workers: I invited all of my old-coworkers (around 35 people) to a dessert night at my house on June 6th. I am nervous about the night. I don’t want it to negatively affect our friendships. I think my worst fear is that they won’t want to be my friends anymore – that they’ll think I’m weird or too religious for them. Please pray that the night would serve to deepen our friendships, and pray that my co-workers would choose to become monthly supporters! 
  • That I would be 75% funded when I start my new staff training on June 13th!

5/8/15 Prayer Requests

When I emailed out my newsletter two weeks ago, I stated that I was 31% funded. I’m now at 42%! Hooray! I am grateful in particular to five individuals who committed to giving regularly who are essentially complete strangers. In fundraising, I’m reminded over and over again that God provides in unexpected ways.

My main prayer request is for my fundraising. I have five weeks left before I start my new staff training (begins June 13th and ends the last week of July). Will you pray for…

  • Motivation! Discipline! Focus! I am spending a lot of my time trying to connect with people, which really means sitting at my dining room table and sending countless emails and Facebook messages.
  • Favor with people – that people would be interested in meeting with me AND that they would desire to give generously

On that note, I have a request for y’all: Can you think of ONE person who I don’t know who would be interested in hearing about my ministry and potentially giving? Would you be willing to email both of us and introduce me? That would be amazing!!!